Storage, Camping & Rail Equipment Opportunities
Central Ohio Area Live Steamers would like to provide certain membership classes (Founder's, Family & Regular Members) the opportunity to store locomotives, railcars and haulage trailers at Mill Creek Central Railroad as well as provide camping opportunities for those working at the track on a regular basis and those members who attend our meets and special events. All these items are currently limited but our goal is to increase these opportunities in the future. See the descriptions below for more details.

Railcar Storage

COALS is currently reviewing sites for the construction of railcar barns. In order to construct these facilities COALS will need qualifying Members who are interested in renting a track to commit to a donation to the Capital Improvement Fund prior to construction.
The Board of Directors must approve each construction project before building construction can begin. COALS may also require all tracks to be leased prior to construction as well. A donation to the Capital Improvement Fund will go towards materials for the construction of facilities at the track. The donation amount will be determined based on our assessment of each site, evaluating how to connect to the main, all the track work, switches, ballast, grading, the cost to complete each barn and any other costs that may occur. As an example, we are currently estimating an individual Member would be asked to donate approximately $3,000 for our next project, which will have at least 40 feet of available track for each Member.
Members renting a track will also be charged an annual rental fee and will be required annually to sign a RENTAL AGREEMENT (to read click on "Rental Agreement").
The annual rental fee for 2025 will be $4/foot and is due no later than April 30th.
Email Jim Henry at jimhenry@millcreekcentral.com if you are interested, letting him know roughly what you are looking for in track space so that he can add you to the signup list of those interested.
Locomotive Storage

COALS is currently reviewing sites for the construction of locomotive storage areas. These buildings will vary in size and use depending on the locomotive type and needs of each type of locomotive. COALS hopes to have storage areas for steam, fossil fuel engines and electric engines as well. In order to construct these facilities COALS will need qualifying Members who are interested in renting a locomotive storage space to commit to a donation to the Capital Improvement Fund prior to construction.
The Board of Directors must approve each construction project before building construction can begin. COALS may also require all tracks to be leased prior to construction as well. A donation to the Capital Improvement Fund will go towards materials for the construction of facilities at the track. The donation amount will be determined based on our assessment of each site, evaluating how to connect to the main, all the track work, switches, ballast, grading, the cost to complete each barn, electrical, possible heating and any other costs that may occur. At this time we have not determined construction and annual operating costs for any of the locomotive sites.
Members renting a track in a locomotive barn will also be charged an annual rental fee based on what options are provided and will be required annually to sign a RENTAL AGREEMENT (to read click on "Rental Agreement"). The annual rental fee for 2025 will be $4/foot and is due no later than April 30th.
Email your requests to coals@millcreekcentral.com if you are interested, letting us know roughly what you are looking for in locomotive track space, engine type and requested amenities so that he can add you to the signup list of those interested.
Railcar / Locomotive Trailer Storage

Those members who qualify may, for a monthly rental fee, be able utilize the railroad property for longer term storage of their haul trailers. The space to store these trailers is limited. In most cases, there are no overnight fees for those members or visitors when attending regular meets or special events.
The minimum fee for this longer term storage is $100 (up to four months) plus $25 per month for every month greater than four. In order to utilize the long term storage you will need to sign a lease agreement which can be viewed here: Storage Lease Agreement So if you are interested please get with Jim Henry or Dick McCloy to discuss this opportunity.
Campsite Rental - Meets & Special Events

Camping during a train meet is always fun. COALS would like to see more people camping during our meets. While there are limited sites that can provide power, water and sewer, there are numerous locations around the track for dry and tent camping. Those wishing to camp during track meets or special events will need to contact Jim Henry or Dick McCloy to make the appropriate arrangements. Founder's, Regular and Family Members will have first access to the better sites or those with utilities, followed by Associate then Visiting Members. Water connections may also be provided as available. Campers have the option to utilize the shower located in the restroom. Nightly usage fees for 2025 will be as follows:
Dry Camping: - $0.00 for Founder's, Regular & Family Members; - $5.00 for Associate Members; - $10.00 for Visiting Members
120 Volt Hookup: - $5.00 for Founder's, Regular & Family Members; - $10.00 for Associate Members; - $15.00 for Visiting Members
Full Hookup: - $10.00 for Founder's, Regular & Family Members; - $15.00 for Associate Members; - $20.00 for Visiting Members
Hobo Campsite Lease

Qualifying members who may be interested in setting up a small hobo shed may have an opportunity to do so at our hobo campsite, situated just west of the intersection of Bryan Loop and Keith Block in the Mountain Division. These sites, which are limited, are effectively dry camping sites but members will have the use of the track's shower and bathroom facilities. Members who are interested will need to select a hobo shed, seek approval of the site and shed from the Board Representative (yet to be determined) and, if approved, sign a site lease with COALS and purchase the approved shed. The sheds can't be permanent structures and may be relocated when necessary. The annual rental fee in 2025 for these sites will be $180.00, due upon signing of the lease or on or before May 31st. Members renting a site will be charged annually for any period through April and will be required annually to sign a STORAGE LEASE AGREEMENT (to read click on "Storage Lease Agreement"). Contact Jim Henry or Dick McCloy for more details if interested.
Work Crew Camping Site Rental

Members who are at the track providing valuable physical labor on a regular basis will have an opportunity, as sites are available, to lease space in the campground area. Members wishing to utilize this opportunity will need to seek approval from the site coordinator prior to moving a camper onto an available site.
Monthly site rental will start at $20 per month for those with 120 volt electrical hookups with water and who are studious about minimizing their use of electricity.
Campers with full hookup, have single air conditioners and who are studious about minimizing their use of electricity will be able to a leased space for $25 per month.
All campers with more than one air conditioner or those campers deemed to have a large appetite for electricity will be asked to monitor their rigs electrical usage, be charged a monthly rental fee of $20 and must pay an additional electrical usage fee, due at the end each calendar quarter. Camper electrical meters can be purchased in 2025 for as little as $100. The 2025 electrical rates at the track are $0.20/KWH. The annual rental fee for 2025 will be due no later than April 30th. Members will also be required to sign a Site Storage Lease (click on Site Storage Lease to read the terms and conditions).
Locomotive Usage - Rental

Details for locomotive use and rentals are still being worked out. Steam locomotive rentals will be much more restrictive than other types of engines and users must be properly trained and approved by the appropriate Board representative. More information to follow.
Railcar Usage - Donation

Use of railcars will be available on a limited basis to Founder's, Regular, and Family Members. COALS asks that when using these railcars that you make a donation of $3 or more per car to help maintain the railcars ( as with all donations it is up to the user to choose any amount, if any).
Caboose Rental

Overnight stays in the caboose are available to members in the Founder's, Regular, Family and Associate classes. Those wishing the utilize the caboose during track meets or special events will need to contact Jim Henry or Dick McCloy to make the appropriate arrangements. Founder's, Regular and Family Members will have first access to the caboose and these classes can rent the railcar during any timeframe. Associate Members will be able, based on availability, to rent the caboose during meets & special events only. Visiting Members will not have access to the caboose for rental. Caboose campers have the option to utilize the shower located in the restroom. Nightly usage fees for 2025 will be as follows:
Caboose Camping - $15.00 for Founder's, Regular & Family Members; - $20.00 for Associate Members