Central Ohio Area Live Steamers
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS April 1 thru March 31
By becoming a member of Central Ohio Area Live Steamers (COALS) you help the organization by providing funding to assist us meet our educational goals and support the work needed to maintain and improve our infrastructure. Some COALS memberships have the additional benefit of operating on the railroad outside of the annually scheduled meets each year. Also, for an additional fee, Regular Members will have the opportunity to sign up, as these items become available, for storage of equipment, use of the facility for camping, and use of facility equipment during your time at the track. Also, for a limited time, check out our Founder's Memberships below that provide immediate impact to our new organization!!!
Membership will be annual beginning each year on April 1st, with renewal payments due prior to this date. The following classes are available to all who qualify:
Regular Membership shall be composed of individuals who are 18 years of age or older, who are engaged in teaching, training, construction, maintenance, or operation of railroads and locomotives. Regular Members shall be entitled to regular access to the track outside of scheduled meets and, for an additional fee(s), buildings, storage options, use of the facility for camping (dry camping will still be allowed for others, when available), the use of railcar equipment. Locomotive equipment will be restricted to those with the proper knowledge, operating experience, safety acumen and skills necessary to operate said locomotives. In order to operate track locomotives you must be approved by a designee of the Board or a Board member. Regular Members, with the consent of the Board of Directors, may hold operating and management positions. Annual membership dues in 2025 will be $155.00.
Family Membership shall be composed of family members consisting of two adult individuals (member and member partner) and their legal dependents that are under the age of 18 (22 while full time students living within the Family Member’s home as the principal address or that live in the same household). Grandparents will also have the ability to include their minor grandchildren so long as their parents or legal guardians sign the appropriate paperwork. Any Family Member who turns 18/22 during a calendar year will need to apply for their own membership the following year. All Family Members will have the same rights, privileges and obligations as a Regular Member, but the adult Family Members will be in attendance, responsible and liable for the oversite and actions of any underaged individual that is part of the Family Membership while on the railroad grounds. Annual membership dues for 2025 will be $185.00.
Junior Membership shall be composed of an individual between and including the ages of twelve (12) and twenty-two (22) years of age and a full-time student. For an individual to be accepted as a Junior Member the individual must meet these additional criteria:
Must be sponsored by a minimum of two Members (Founder's, Family or Regular)
If underage, must have the appropriate permission to join the club from a parent or legal guardian
Must be able to receive emergency medical treatment until a parent or legal guardian is contacted
Must have a Member with them to use track equipment unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors
Annual membership dues in 2025 will be $20.00.
Associate Membership shall be composed of individuals who wish to support the track, have an interest in railroading, live outside a radial distance of one hundred fifty (150) miles of Mill Creek Central Railroad and only wish to operate their own equipment during meets or special events. Those that would like year round access or who would like to use COALS railcars (card order is the exception), store rail equipment or trailers will need to apply for Regular Membership ($50 upgrade to Regular Membership for Associate Members is allowed). Annual membership dues in 2025 will be $105.00.

Visiting Membership shall be composed of two types of individuals: (1) visitors interested in railroading and coming for the day or (2) an individual who has their own railroad equipment and would like to operate on the track during a scheduled meet or special event. Visiting Memberships will be provided only at the railroad during the time of your arrival. You are asked to park your vehicle and proceed directly to the welcome center to receive your membership pass. Each and every person in attendance will be required to obtain a Visiting Membership, with a minor's parent or legal guardian being required to sign the appropriate releases for those who are underage as well. There will be a total of two subclasses associated with Visiting Membership: Visiting Observer Class and Visiting Operator Class.
The following is a description of these two subclasses:
Visiting Observer Class - an individual who has an interest in railroading, who is visiting Mill Creek Central Railroad for a meet, a special event or just for the day as an observer without equipment or those that plan to visit the welcome center for meetings, training sessions or specially scheduled events. These individuals would like to visit the track to observe, meet other railroaders, volunteer or learn about the hobby as an observer or volunteer during track meets, work sessions, special events or to just visit by prior permission of COALS or Mill Creek Central Railroad. Asking visitors in the Observer Class to check in is primarily for the purpose of ensuring that everyone who visits the track signs the proper documentation and receives an appropriate safety briefing in exchange for a token donation. COALS ask that non-operating observers visiting the railroad make a donation of $10 per person per meet or event, with amounts greater than $10 per person greatly appreciated. All donations are very much welcomed but are not required.
Visiting Operator Class - is an individual and, if accompanied by a spouse and/or underage children, who has their own railroad equipment and would like to operate at Mill Creek Central Railroad during a meet or special event. These individuals (including family members) will have the ability to operate on the railroad no more than two meets or special events on a calendar year basis. The Visiting Operator Class will not have access to railcar equipment (excluding card order and dispatch meets) owned and operated by COALS. Should a Visiting Operator wish to utilize railcar equipment or operate more than twice in a given calendar year then the individual or family will need to acquire an appropriate membership before returning to operate on the railroad. Those wishing to operate on the railroad as a Visiting Operator will be asked to make a donation, have a safety briefing and sign the proper documentation before operating on the railroad. Those attending with other individuals and/or family members who don't intend to run will need to have them register as a visitor under the category above, Visiting Observer Class. Those visitors operating their own railroad equipment are asked to make a donation of $25.00 per person per meet or special event, with amounts greater than $25.00 per person greatly appreciated. All donations are very much welcomed but are not required.
Dry and tent camping for visitors will be allowed for a fee, if room is available, giving priority first to other member classes. Anyone wishing to apply for membership after receiving a Visiting Membership may apply for other membership categories but the donations paid by the individual for the Visitor Membership shall not be credited towards other membership categories, as they are donations.
Founder's Memberships shall be composed of those individuals and their spouse/partner (if desired) or crew members who have a desire to kick start the organization by purchasing a Founder's Class Membership by making a significant donation in either 2024 or 2025 to COALS as further described below. This membership class will only be available through 2025. Members who so generously choose this class will receive the benefit of lifetime recognition through the creation of a plaque that will be hung in our future welcome center, added consideration associated with the track storage queue and lower annual membership dues throughout their lifetime as well. There will be a total of four subclasses associated with Founder's Membership. The following are the subclasses associated with this membership class:
Conductor Class - are those who make a one-time membership donation of $4,900, prior to the end of 2025. Annual membership dues will be approximately twenty-five percent (will be rounded annually up to nearest $5 increment) of the future cost associated with an individual having a Regular Membership. Annual membership dues for 2025 will be $40.
Engineer Class - are those who make a one-time membership donation of $3,400, prior to the end of 2025. Annual membership dues will be approximately fifty percent (will be rounded annually up to the nearest $5 increment) of the future cost associated with an individual having a Regular Membership. Annual membership dues for 2025 will be $75.
Brakeman Class - are those who make a one-time membership donation of $2,200, prior to the end of 2025. Annual membership dues will be approximately sixty-six percent (will be rounded annually up to the nearest $5 increment) of the future cost associated with an individual having a Regular Membership. Annual membership dues for 2025 will be $100.
Crew Class - are for individuals and their friends and/or non-spousal family members who would like to be recognized as a Founder's Member within a donation group and are each willing to make a one-time membership donation of $1,100 per crew member, prior to the end of 2025 (how the total crew donation gets paid can be determined by the group as some may be willing to pay for others but all crew members are responsible for the total donation due). The Crew Class will require a minimum of two and can have a maximum of four crew members. Each member of the crew will need to sign up individually as a Founding Member - Crew Class member, referencing in their application the other members of the donation group. Annual membership dues for each member of the crew will be approximately sixty-six percent (will be rounded annually up to the nearest $5 increment) of the future cost associated with an individual having a Regular Membership. Annual membership dues in 2025 will be $100 per crew member.
Any and all donations in greater amounts than the minimums of each class would certainly be welcomed and appreciated. All Founder's Members will have, at a minimum, the same rights, privileges and obligations as a Regular Member or, for those that prefer, a Family Member (excludes Crew Class). So long as Founder's Members continue to pay their annual membership dues they will continue as full members and be recognized as a Founding Member throughout their lifetime. Should a Founder's Member discontinue their membership and later return, the individual will continue to be recognized as a Founder's Member. We asked that, if possible, that Founder's Members pay their annual dues by credit card and send the donation portion of the payment to COALS in the form of a check (COALS will invoice for the separate donation payment) to be paid on or before December 19, 2025. Paying the donation portion by check, cash or money order will save the 3% processing fee associated with using a credit card.
Requirements for applying:
Applications for Membership shall be submitted in the form as provided by COALS and accompanied by (1) payment of dues for the current year at the applicable Membership rate, (2) name(s), home/contact address, email address and your phone number, and (3) an executed Member Acknowledgment of Responsibility and Release of Liability that is to be signed at the railroad upon first annual arrival. Members and guests shall be required to always comply with the rules and regulations prescribed by COALS, relating to property of COALS, and the operation of equipment. (See BYLAWS ARTICLES VIII IX, and X.) As a condition of membership, all Members, regardless of class, shall execute a Member Acknowledgement of Responsibility and Release of Liability during their first annual visit to the track. Payment of membership dues is a further acknowledgement of a Member's acceptance of Indemnity, Waiver and Release of Liability.