Links to Live Steam Sites
(These are non commercial sites.)
6/27/2003, last updated 04/01/2014
Links to Live Steam Sites
(These are non commercial sites.)
6/27/2003, last updated 04/01/2014
Age of Steam Roundhouse Wishing to share with others his passion for the steam locomotive, Jerry Joe Jacobson has established the Age of Steam Roundhouse.
Buchanan Machine Works Jim Buchanan has built a really neat Class B Climax. He casts many of the parts in Aluminum.
Building a Climax by Heinz Hotz Heinz is well along with his 1" scale Climax. Great photos.
Building Miniature Live Steam Locomotives in 1:8 scale An interesting site from Finland.
Cass Scenic Railroad This is the ultimate in live steam with several operating Shays.
CD&M Railroad This little short line is a full size 3 foot gauge with a compressed air power Porter.
DAMAR Southern Railroad Dave Levy's DAMAR Southern Railroad is located in Georgia. Dave has built a Pacific Coast Shay and a sting of cars. Site has nice close-up photos of various parts of the Shay as it was being constructed.
Deerfield & Roundabout Railroad: This site includes some neat diagrams of track standards.
Discover Live Steam The on-line magazine of live steam and diesel model railroading with articles, for sale items, club listings and more.
Chuck Hackett's Webpage Chuck shows tests of lagging ---- and the conclusion that lagging is no more effective insulator than trapped air.
The Hobbyist's Machine Shop Quoting Dan Kautz of THMS: "The purpose of this site is to help inspire other beginning hobbyists. It is directed to everyone who enjoys or wishes to enjoy the fun and challenge of creating small machines and other devices from raw metal."
Indian Lake Railroad (Note the new link http://livesteamer.us) Larry Simoneau is well along constructing three large shays and a Climax. He also has a neat piece of track work. The sight has many useful drawings and photos including a bunch of photos of the 2013 MCC Logging Meet.
Kingstone Model Engineering Bernd has several neat projects underway including a 4 truck shay --- while finishing the new station (house). Check out the station section ---- very interesting construction.
Live Steam Tracks Dale King has put together this neat map to of where live steam tracks are located. Dale would probably welcome input on tracks not shown as well as additions and corrections to tracks that are shown.
Michigan Central Railroad The trestle at the Hays' track is a masterpiece.
Mt Rainier Scenic Railroad This railroad in Elbe, Washington has a nice collection of geared locomotives including Shays, Climaxes and Heislers, many of which still operate.
Mountain State Railroad & Logging Historical Association Group has done restoration work at Cass WV state Park. One current project is the restoration of Moore - Keppel Co #6, a 70 ton 3 truck Climax, s/n 1551. Some photos of the restoration are on the website. They are looking for volunteers who want to work on the real thing.
Nelson's Locomotive Works This site documents the construction of a 7.5" gauge Shay and a budding Heisler
Riverview & Twin Lakes Railroad This is a neat 3" scale, 15" gauge railroad.
Washington County Railroad A really neat 7.5" gauge railroad in eastern Maine.
White Creek Railroad A nice railroad in western Michigan